Table of Contents

What should I read next?

Let's go down the iceberg togetherā€¦..

Basic starter pack

To help you find the expedition of your heart, try one of theseā€¦

Title Author Expedition Tags
Madhouse at the End of the Earth Julian Sancton Belgica Scurvy, Catholicism, Soulmates
A First Rate Tragedy Diana Preston Terra Nova Imperial Hubris, Grief/Mourning
Endurance Alfred Lansing Endurance Adventure, Everybody Lives/Nobody Dies

Or take Glossopteris's Starter Polar Book Quiz to help you choose!

Race To The Pole starter pack

Title Author Notes
The Worst Journey In The World, Graphic Novel Vol I (2023) Sarah Airriess Amazing comic adaptation of WOJO
The Last Place On Earth (1985) script by Trevor Griffiths Intensely 80s miniseries. Hugh Grant is in it!

Very Literary starter pack

Title Author Notes
I May Be Some Time: Ice and the English imagination Francis Spufford This is really THE BOOK re: Why We're All So Obsessed With This. Begins with Franklin and moves through Scott
Terra Incognita Sara Wheeler Includes a tour through Antarctic history as well as a look at contemporary (well, 90s) life on the continent
The Worst Journey In The World (1922) Apsley Cherry-Garrard A lengthy but intensely moving exploration of grief and loss via the South Pole