====== Belgica expedition (1897-1899) ====== ===== Primary Sources ===== ^ Resource ^ Author ^ Notes ^ |[[https://www.google.com/books/edition/Through_the_First_Antarctic_Night_1898_1/D8afAAAAMAAJ|Through The First Antarctic Night]] | [[Frederick Cook]] | Fred’s "popular account" of the expedition. English. Lush descriptions and a lot of photographs, but lacking in drama, personal details, and accuracy. Photos primarily depict new lands, animals, etc surveyed. Content notice for this and other primary //Belgica// sources: skull-measuring 19th-century anthropology. | | [[https://archive.org/details/voyagedelabelgi00unkngoog/page/n1/mode/1up|Fifteen Months in the Antarctic]] | Adrien de Gerlache | Gerlache's account of the expedition. Only digitized in French, check used book resources for English. | | [[https://www.google.com/books/edition/Exploration_of_Antarctic_Lands/lUfwsCrJkhwC?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=%22exploration+of+antarctic+lands%22&pg=PA1&printsec=frontcover|Exploration of Antarctic Lands]] | Henryk Arctowski | English. Be warned that this is extremely dry; it was written for a geographical journal. | |[[https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015035593139&seq=5|Royal Geographic Society of Belgium Lectures]] | Georges Lecointe, Henryk Arctowski, Emil Racovitza | French-language lecture series given over the weeks following the expedition's return to Belgium, Nov.-Dec. 1899. Gerlache is featured extremely briefly. //For translations, see below.// | | [[https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-357102024/view?partId=nla.obj-357106140|Towards the South Pole]] | Emil Racovitza | French-language lecture given at the Sorbonne in Feb. 1900. Laugh-out-loud funny. //For translation, see below.// | | [[https://archive.org/details/Aupaysdesmancho00Leco|In the Land of the Penguins]] | Georges Lecointe | Lecointe's account of the expedition, published 1904 (later than the above). Delightfully amusing read, full of personality. Digitized in French & German, check used book resources for English. | | [[https://lillonum.univ-lille.fr/s/lillonum/ark:/72505/bM39HL#?c=&m=&s=&cv=|Results of the Belgica: Geophysics: Pendulum Measurements]] | Georges Lecointe | Only digitized in French. Contains a eulogy for Émile Danco. | | Roald Amundsen’s //Belgica// Diary | Roald Amundsen | Not available online - check used book resources. As a diary, this book differs from the public-facing narratives listed above. The other resources below were also produced on board the //Belgica// but not intended for the contemporary public's view. | | [[https://media.digitalarkivet.no/en/view/77494/1|Johan Koren's Belgica Diary]] | Johan Koren | Norwegian. No translation available, but the drawings are wonderful. | | [[https://www.nb.no/items/c4417349d078303d783fc7f1e4967592?page=0|Meeting Notes]] | Georges Lecointe | French transcriptions of two rather tense meetings held on board. //For translations, see below.// | | Emil Racovitza's //Belgica// Diary | Emil Racovitza | Not available online - must be requested in-person at the NYPL. Written in French. //For information on translation efforts, see below.// | |[[https://www.nb.no/items/e9d83c3bd65355db3b142558644d4e16|Racovitza's cartoons]] | Emil Racovitza | Hilarious, must-see images produced throughout the expedition. Primarily French. Some English, Spanish, & Norwegian appears. //For translations, see below.// | ===== Secondary & Multi-Media Sources ===== ^ Resource ^ Notes ^ | [[https://amundsen.mia.no/en/resource/belgica-expedition-crew/|Belgica biographies on Amundsen Museum website]] | Really extensive and well-sourced biographies on Belgica personnel including the seamen. | | [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVajWJkMhco|The Explorer - Racovitza documentary]] | Hourlong documentary on Raco! Very interesting and full of great pics. In Romanian with English subtitles. | | [[https://www.fav.ro/portfolio/multimedia/emil-racovita.html|Emil Racovitza, Photographer and Draftsman]] | Webpage of an exhibition of Raco's photography. Some of the best Belgica photos are hosted here. Short video in Romanian. | | [[https://beyondthebelgica.com/|Beyond The Belgica]] | Ongoing effort by a contributor to this wiki to document and translate information about the //Belgica.// Contains English translations of selected lectures and correspondence, Raco's diary and cartoons, and Lecointe's 1907 writing on Danco. Also some information on the later life of the //Belgica// and her men. | | [[https://henrykarctowski.com/en/about-project/|Henryk Arctowski: In A World of Thoughts]] | Richly detailed biography available in Polish & English. Includes many photographs, diary excerpts, and polar-related letters. Documentary forthcoming. Website contains photos + contact of very friendly authors. | | [[https://www.kbr.be/en/the-first-antarctic-expedition/|The Belgica in Belgian Newspapers]] | English, French, Dutch, German write-up of the expedition as viewed through Belgian press archives. |